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Researching on improving blasting parameter of lump coal rate in Heidaigou Open-pit Mine


  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-04-14




Abstract: To improve lump coal rate, in combination with terrain conditions, distribution of coal seam, the equipment and construction efficiency, under the premise of guaranteeing the blasting quality and ensuring the drilling efficiency, the article researches the effect of hole diameter, hole parameters, charging structure and performance of explosive on lump coal rate, which provide the direction for the selection of blasting parameters. 


摘 要:为提高黑岱沟露天煤矿煤台阶爆破块煤率,结合煤台阶地形条件、煤层分布、作业设备及施工效率等因素,在保证爆破质量、确保钻机效率的前提下,研究炮孔直径、孔网参数、装药结构、炸药性能等参数对爆破块煤率的影响,为爆破参数的选择提供方向。